Study Mandate
Eurimages' commitment to taking environmental issues into account in its activities was formalised in the context of the Fund's reform in September 2020 by the adoption of Resolution CM/Res(2020)8 by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
This document states that the "environmental impact should, as far as possible, be taken into account and reduced both in the implementation of activities and in the operation of the Fund."
Study Focus
In spring 2021, the Fund established a Sustainability Study Group with the participation of members of the Board of Management and specialists in environmental protection or green film production.
The Group developed the Fund's Green Strategy around 3 axes: supporting a sustainable film industry, improving the environmental footprint of the Fund's operations and encouraging cooperation between member States on measures to promote a sustainable film industry.
The current study intends to operationalize Objective 2 of the Green Strategy (Box 1).
In implementing its Green Strategy, Eurimages has prioritised “assessing concrete measures to reach a more sustainable functioning of the Fund with a view to limiting its environmental impact” in 2022.
Box 1. Eurimages Green Strategy
Objective #2: Ensure a sustainable functioning of the Fund
Target: Eurimages Secretariat, Eurimages Board of Management & Executive Committee
19. Eurimages will ensure that the functioning of the Fund is in line with widely accepted modern administrative standards and good practices.
20. In doing so, it will ensure coherence in the functioning of the Fund with its own policy by swift implementation of sustainability measures.
21. However, Objective #2 will require coordination with the Council of Europe’s central administration and conformity to its rules.
22. The Sustainability Study Group and the Eurimages Secretariat will assess the green impact of the Fund’s functioning and will study ways of improvement (for instance for travel, printing and digital).
23. Build on some of the consequences of Covid-19 crisis: homeworking / virtual meetings / online film events.
24. However, the Fund acknowledges the importance of maintaining a direct “non-virtual” contact with film professionals to carry out its missions in physical events.
Study Vision
An intention exists to place Eurimages' strategy and action plan (to be developed) within the framework of the Structured Dialogue “Towards a climate-neutral audiovisual sector” led by the European Commission - DG CONNECT.
Eurimages believes that international cooperation is a key element to answer the challenges of climate change and is engaging its responsibility as a platform to encourage the greening of the film industry in its member States.
With this study, Eurimages is prioritising greening its own operations first. By doing so, it commits to “walk the talk” while encouraging others to join efforts to drive an industry-wide transformation.
Council of Europe
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