
Study boundaries and approaches

Carbon footprint


Eurimages has committed to quantitatively evaluate the environmental impact of its internal operations. This measurement is critical to:

  • Identify "hotspot" activities to focus on for improvement to achieve the greatest impact;
  • Calculate achievements made by eco-friendly policies and practices adopted to date;
  • Compare scenarios of future operational choices (e.g. virtual meetings, air vs. train travel);
  • Benchmark results with peer organizations;
  • Contribute to consistent measurement of impacts of the audiovisual sector as a whole.

This assessment was conducted with the Impacti GHG management software, using a methodology aligned with the GHG Protocol and informed by best practices of the United Nation's Greening the Blue Initiative.


GHG Protocol &

UN Greening the Blue

Emission Factors

Sourced from the IPCC, GHG Protocol and ADEME Bilan Carbone©

Calculation tool

Organizational boundaries

This study focuses on assessing the environmental impact of Eurimages' internal working methods and practices, grouped in three main activities:

OfficeDesk Icon

Programs & Office Administration

The day-to-day management of Eurimages programs and processing of fund applications takes place in the Agora building, part of the Council of Europe complex in Strasbourg, France.

People in Speech Podium Vote Flat    Style Icon

Governance Meetings

Eurimages organizes four Board of Management meetings annually, as well as Executive Committee meetings, thematic working groups and ad hoc study groups.

Vibrant Freeform Clapper

Promotions, Missions & Festivals

Eurimages organizes stands and receptions at the Berlin, Venice and Cannes Film Festivals, and attends other film festivals and industry events to promote Eurimages and connect with film producers.

The environmental impact of the film production projects funded by Eurimages are not currently included, as Eurimages is awaiting results and currently participating in an effort to develop a unified measurement methodology of CO2 emissions measurements in the audiovisual sector.

Impacts Covered

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wind icon
Airplane Flat Icon
Black Train Icon
Purchase Icon


Goods & Services

Air Travel

Heating & Cooling

Ground Transport


Bike Line Art
Vector Waste Icon
Document Icon
Water Liquid Drops Fill   Style Icon



Staff Commute

Water & Air Quality

Ecosystem Outline Icon


Operational boundaries

This assessment takes an operational control approach aligned with the GHG Protocol. This means that Eurimages will account for the scope of activities for which it can introduce or significantly influence operating policies and procedures. This is the most common approach taken by companies.

In the Agora Building at Strasbourg, Eurimages shares premises with other Council of Europe programs. Eurimages has calculated its share of electricity and heating consumption by office area.

Within Promotions and Governance, this assessment covers the travel and purchases made by Eurimages staff (even when paid for by others). Travel by Member State representatives is outside of the scope of Eurimages' carbon footprint - but has been assessed separately due to their significance.

Reporting year

The year 2019 has been chosen as representative of normal operating conditions of the Eurimages Fund. A full GHG inventory has been conducted with 2019 to establish a "baseline" assessment from which improvements and targets can be measured.

In addition, certain comparisons with 2021 data and other scenarios have been conducted. These comparisons are designed to show the scale of impact of operational changes already in place or planned for the future to reduce emissions.

These scenario analyses include:

  • Adoption of an e-signature system, reducing paper use and postage transport emissions
  • Comparisons of different travel modes to frequently travelled destinations
  • Virtual vs. in-person Governance Meetings
  • Shift to eco-friendly goodies and stand vendors for attendance at film festivals

Carbon Neutral and ESG Concepts. Carbon Emission, Clean Energy.

Council of Europe


Agora Building

Allée des Droits de l'Homme

F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex

+33 3 88 41 26 40 (switchboard)

Study completed by